v3.1 [Aug 14, 2013]
- Minor user interface improvements.
- Minor performance improvements.
- Improved Live Gaming Mode.
- Added Live Gaming Mode activity log.
- Added the ability to sort games by name in My Games.
- Added the ability to launch games with command parameters in My Games.
- Fixed GUI problems on Windows XP.
- Fixed critical bug affected Gaming Profile setup.
- Fixed critical bug that prevented Game Fire from switching to Gaming Mode.
v3.0 [Mar 29, 2013]
- Microsoft Windows 8 support.
- Major performance improvements.
- Minor user interface improvements.
- Completely re-designed Game Adviser.
- Added the ability to export Gaming Profiles.
- Added Windows Explorer tweaks to Gaming Profile.
- Added the option to perform quick games defragment.
- Added the ability to restore Normal Mode after the game is closed.
- Added the ability to close Windows Explorer before launching games.
- Added the option to show system processes in Applications Manager.
- Improved Live Gaming Mode
- Improved speed when switching to Gaming Mode.
- Improved the optimization of system power plan.
- Improved the optimization of screen colors depth.
- Improved importing games from Games Explorer.
v2.1 [Dec 17, 2011]
- Minor performance enhancements.
- Minor user interface improvements.
- Improved Game Adviser.
- Improved Files Defragment.
- Fixed critical bug in Game Fire Tray.
- Fixed bug in Game Adviser settings backup.
- Added the option to switch on/off Gaming Mode using hotkey.
- Added an editor for configuring advanced Gaming Profile settings.